How To Clean A Glass Shower DoorHow To Clean A Glass Shower Door


Glass shower doors add a touch of elegance and beauty to any bathroom, enhancing its overall aesthetic. Although upkeep and maintenance may seem like a challenge, using an effective method makes cleaning your glass shower door a simple process. A regular cleaning routine will help to keep hard water, soap scum, iron, calcium, and other elements from building up.

And this doesn’t mean that you have to follow a heavy-duty cleaning routine or spend hours each week to get rid of hard water stains and clean glass shower doors. By keeping some key tips top of mind, you can make your task effective, simple, and quick.

Tools & Materials Chart for How To Clean a Glass Shower DoorTools & Materials Chart for How To Clean a Glass Shower Door


How often you should clean glass shower doors depends on several factors, including what type of water you have, how often you use the shower, and what kind of climate you live in.

If you have hard water in your home, you will need to clean glass shower doors more often than someone with soft water (which also means that having a water softener will help reduce your cleaning frequency). This is because hard water leaves mineral deposits and soap scum on shower walls and doors.

It also makes sense to say that if you use your shower daily, you need to perform a cleaning routine more frequently than someone with a guest bathroom that’s only used a couple of times a month.

Many people follow the general rule of thumb to clean glass shower doors at least once every week. However, it’s a good idea to do it more often if the previously mentioned conditions apply to you.


Four big things can cause grime and soap scum buildup on glass shower doors:

  • Dirt and debris can get on glass shower doors from many sources, including pollen, hair, dust, and pet dander. This all can accumulate quickly, making shower heads, glass doors, and shower door tracks look grimy.
  • Hard water stains result from minerals the water can deposit on the doors. These mineral deposits from hard water make shower doors look cloudy if they aren’t cleaned frequently. Hard water mineral deposits are also responsible for the water spots that remain after the water dries.
  • Soap scum is a sticky film that forms when water and soap evaporate and dry. It’s fairly difficult to remove once it dries and hardens. Soap scum from bar soap and liquid soap is also one of the main causes of dirt and grime on glass shower doors.
  • Mildew may look like dark-colored dirt, but it’s actually a fungus that thrives in damp, wet, humid environments. This is the stuff that makes shower heads, shower door tracks, and glass doors accumulate black slimy corners and edges.

Before any of these substances become a big problem that will take much more than a quick wipe down with a damp sponge, it’s important to know how to clean glass shower doors correctly.


How to clean glass shower doors depends on the person doing the cleaning and the type of door. Many people have preferred ways to clean their shower glass doors, and they all seem to have their favorite tools, gadgets, and supplies.

However, we recommend following a simple routine for best results and to ensure a long-lasting life for your shower door.



Shower glass door cleaning is a DIY project that doesn’t take too long once you have your supplies. The basic equipment you might need to clean limescale, grime, and minerals off everything from grout to shower accessories to doors can include:

  • A squeegee
  • A soft cloth
  • An old toothbrush for tight corners

Make sure that you use the correct equipment and supplies for your glass shower doors to prevent damaging your glass. Get some practice with how to use a squeegee too. A good squeegee is a valuable tool that has a rubber blade to scrape water from the glass, leaving no water spots or streaks.


Solutions and Materials

Achieving a sparkling clean glass shower door can be a daunting task, with streaks, water spots, and soap scum buildup being persistent problems. While many will have methods that they swear by, we’re here to tell you that the best cleaning solution is just simple mild dish soap. 

Unlike harsh cleaning products that contain chemicals that can etch and scratch 

  • A bucket with warm water glass surfaces over time, mild dish soap is gentle yet effective. Its powerful yet gentle formula can efficiently remove soap scum, hard water stains, and other buildup, without causing any damage or scratches.

The best part? Mild dish soap is easily accessible and affordable. You don't need to break the bank to keep your glass shower door looking like new. Just mix a few drops of mild dish soap with warm water, apply it to the glass, and rinse it off with warm water. For more stubborn stains, a soft-bristled brush or sponge can help gently scrub the glass.


What Not To Use

Avoid these top cleaning mistakes to keep your glass shower door sparkling and new:

Standard Bathroom Cleaners

We strongly advise against using standard bathroom cleaners, as these often contain harsh chemicals that can cause damage.

Common Household Items

These include cleaning solutions such as distilled white vinegar, glass cleaners like Windex, and even lemon juice. While these may seem like natural solutions, they can actually do more harm than good, as they are acidic and can negatively impact protective glass treatments and hardware. 

Bleach and Dryer Sheets

Steer clear of these, as bleach can wreak havoc on your glass and hardware, while dryer sheets contain small abrasive fibers that can scratch the surface of the glass.


How to Protect Glass Showers from Hard Water Stains

Some people say that the best way to learn how to clean glass shower doors with hard water stains, water spots, grime, and soap scum is to go through a lot of trial and error to see what works best.

However, there are also some tried-and-true recommendations for cleaning methods, cleaning products, and more that you may want to try to get started. The following tips can be helpful for cleaning your glass doors and protecting them from hard water stains:

  • Read instructions on cleaning products carefully. If they instruct you to dilute the cleaner, make sure to do so to avoid damaging your glass shower doors.
  • If you want to know how to keep glass shower doors clean, you can wipe them down with a dry towel following every shower to help remove water and moisture that can otherwise cause hard water stains and soap scum buildup.
  • Use the right type of cleaner. There are many glass cleaners out there; some are marketed for all-purpose cleaning, and others for specific types of glass. Make sure that if you’re using a commercial cleaner, you choose one designed for shower glass doors to avoid causing damage to yours.
  • Spraying a water repellent onto your glass doors, such as Rain-X, can protect them from hard water stains, but it is best to check with your manufacturer before applying.
  • Make sure that you apply the cleaner to a soft cloth, then wipe it onto the glass. Don’t apply the cleaner directly to the shower door. This will help you avoid scratching the glass with the cleaner.
  • A good tip for how to use a shower squeegee is to inspect the rubber or silicone blade that comes in contact with the door before each use. This will ensure that no debris is stuck to it, which could scratch the glass.
  • Move your cleaning cloth in a circular motion as you wash and then dry. This helps loosen grime without causing scratches on the glass.
  • Make sure that you rinse the glass with water after you deep clean; don’t just squeegee it all away. Rinsing will ensure that no cleaning products or solutions remain on the glass.

In general it's best to keep your cleaning routine simple. Clean the glass with a mild dish soap, a soft cloth, and warm water to rinse, then be sure to finish by wiping off the glass with a soft cloth or squeegee. For best results, wipe or squeegee the glass after each use to prevent soap buildup and water spots.

Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners not designed for shower glass, and clean your doors with your preferred materials at least once weekly. By following these tips, you can enjoy your glass shower doors for many years while keeping them in beautiful condition.


For over 25 years, Vintage Tub & Bath has been a favorite destination for customers who demand high-quality products at the best prices. We’re your #1 source for inspiration, ideas, and solutions for all your DIY needs. Browse our collection of glass shower doors and more today!

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